Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I have seen the retina burning, super inspiring light!

The quote that said it all!

I. am. a. blog. failure. Ok..THAT is my ONE and ONLY negative statement that I am allowing about myself in this post! I started this blog to help me swim my way through the mud puddle that I purposely dove headfirst into last May. I have had..uhm..let me see.. TWO posts since then. TWO. . ! This has GOT to change, or I am going to delete this blog, LOL!

Any-hooo…My DEAR friend Crista, who has ALWAYS been the most inspirational person in my life, posted this exact quote (pic) to her facebook and I stole it! (mwahaha!) Since that has been HAUNTING me, but in a GOOD way! Since May, I have been just gliding along. Sliding through life on a straight arrow of getting nothing done and heading nowhere fast! WtH?! Didn't I leave EVERYTHING in May to do JUST the opposite? *sigh* Well, a rut is what I found myself in and it's time to strap on my combat boots, put on my big girl panties, and dig my way out! I haven't been shooting at ALL this winter with the excuse of "everything is dead and brown, what's there to shoot?" Anyone with an artistic eye or a love of photography can tell you that the excuse I just said is major BS. There is ALWAYS something or SOMEONE to shoot! Just gotta…get out of bed..put on the boots and what not and FIND the shots!

So! My goals are as follows. I am GOING to FINALLY do the final steps in finishing my side of the divorce. Divorce has a healing process whether you're the one who took the first steps out or not. I have been letting the idea that I'm not allowed to be hurting or healing because "I walked first" keep me down. I jumped from the nest that my (ex)husband created for me and took a quick head dive into the original nest that is …my parents house. Now, sure, I needed a place to land where I could get through this divorce and take the proper steps to independance, but NOT a place to lock myself in my cage (which is my tiny box of a bedroom) and WAIT for it to just be done for me. *sigh* I have disappointed myself, but it is not too late to get 'er done! (heh, sorry I had to!) Next goal is as follows. I so desperately want to start building a REAL portfolio and by that I do NOT mean create a website or another FB photography page. I mean a REAL, leather-bound portfolio. This way I can maybe start doing some freelance work here locally so that I can start building somewhat of an informal "resume" so that I have a third leg (oops..kinda gross) to stand on WHEN I get out West. Ok..this leads to goal numero tres! OUT WEST! I said I wanted to be out west by this spring to start my new life the right way, by chasing! Well, darnit! It is now January which puts spring a couple of short months away, less now actually, and I don't have a clue wth I am doing! Only, I DO know what I am doing. I'm GOING out west to start life with my soulmate and to chase/photograph the most beautiful thing in the world, weather! (and landscapes, but..yea.) So planning/preparation is starting NOW! Ok, last, but most definitely NOT least, I need to get OUT there in order to succeed in anything! I need people..and I NEED to NOT spend all of my time in my cage! Afterall, it would be quite exhausting for a bird who just discovered her wings to take a flight across the country if she had not done some "conditioning" and "training" via smaller flights! I have joined a group online called Middle Tennessee Shutterbugs and unlike the Shoot Franklin group that I was a part of, it is NOT JUST portrait artists that are ALL female and competing and shooting the same thing! Portraits, after all, are only half of what I like to do, if that! The Shutterbug group is diverse, and they have seemed super welcoming so far! I WILL keep up with this group and I WILL participate in their "activities and events!" Dangit! :D

Yea, you like that positivity dontcha? I thought so! SO! This blog IS GOING to be used, and is going to be used for ME! To keep me on track and to help keep me inspired. I hope that the few of you that might have been interested in following me will continue to follow me on me journey. I will post about any and everything that I do and include pictures! Mr. Canon is going to be by my side 7 days a week from now on!

So, here is to starting this year off right and to having an awesome non-resolution! (called that because of the tendency for actual resolutions to fizzle!)

Much love and peace!

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